Oportunidade para Jovens entre os 16 e os 30 anos | Projeto ATLIC – Atlantic Innoblue Communities


O Projeto Atlantic Innoblue Communities pretende mudar a forma como os jovens concebem novas ideias e desenvolvem negócios na economia azul no Espaço Atlântico. O principal objetivo é criar uma comunidade piloto chamada Economia Azul de Inovação Atlântica.

Este projeto aprovado pelo Programa Interreg Atlantic Area 2021 – 2027, integra uma rede de 10 parceiros europeus, que conjuntamente pretendem desenvolver um ecossistema colaborativo onde os jovens podem idealizar, criar e dimensionar suas propostas e soluções através de laboratórios de inovação para a ECONOMIA AZUL no espaço atlântico.

Junta-te ao Projeto ATLIC e participa nos Laboratórios de Economia Azul, que disponibilizarão 70 horas de apoio técnico, para que tenhas oportunidade de aproveitares o potencial que esta temática apresenta no domínio do empreendedorismo jovem, num ambiente criativo, colaborativo e de experimentação.

Através de 3 Laboratórios (Ideation, Maker and Scale Labs) terás a oportunidade de criar soluções inovadoras e desenvolver novos projetos que respondam aos desafios das Comunidades Atlânticas.

Candidata-te aos “LABORATÓRIOS DA ECONOMIA AZUL”, até ao dia 15 de maio aqui.

Condições de Participação

- Jovens entre os 16 e os 30 anos

- Perfil criativo e empreendedor

- Ter ideias e /ou projetos no domínio da economia azul e da biodiversidade para intervir nos desafios e criar novas oportunidades nas comunidades atlânticas

- Compromisso para participar nas atividades dos Laboratórios de Economia Azul

Publicado Mon, 2024-04-29 12:31


  • 09 Aug 2023

    Almascience is promoting the 5th Open Call for the Emerge Project

    Almascience is promoting the 5th Open Call for the Emerge Project.

    The EMERGE Project consortium, composed of 11 European partners of which AlmaScience is part, has opened the 5th Call for proposals on large area flexible printed electronics and(...)

  • 13 Jul 2023
    Campo de Férias

    Inova-Ria organizes activities at the Albergaria-a-Velha Summer Camp

    Inova-Ria is promoting two activities within the Summer Camp of the Municipality of Albergaria-a-Velha.

    The two activities are segmented in order to be appropriate to the age group of each participating group.

    The activity "Programming on Paper(...)

  • 06 Jul 2023

    Today is the presentation of the 1st Open Call of the Imagine-B5G project

    We remind you that the national presentation of the 1st Open Call of the Imagine-B5G project, which aims at the funded integration of validation of new scenarios and mechanisms, takes place today.

    The session will take place at the Amphitheater of(...)

  • 30 Jun 2023

    The Conference "Towards a Green & Digital Future" took place yesterday

    This closing event of the Portuguese HUB ICT Project brought together international and national experts who debated and presented the best examples related to Industry 5.0, Sustainability, Logistics and Supply Chains. It also stimulated a reflection(...)

  • 30 Jun 2023

    Inova-Ria promoted a new Inverse Mission to the Portuguese Technological...

    The Inverse Mission took place between June 26 and 30 and was part of the Portuguese HUB ICT Project managed by Inova-Ria and Fraunhofer Portugal with funding from Compete 2020, Portugal 2020 and the European Union.

    During the event, several(...)

  • 29 Jun 2023

    The Conference "Towards a Green & Digital Future" is taking place at ANJE, Porto...

    This Conference, promoted by Inova-Ria in Partnership with ANJE and COTEC Portugal, can also be followed online through this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GN4bJMoHMVE

    It takes place as part of the Closing Seminar of the Portuguese HUB ICT(...)

  • 23 Jun 2023
    Missão de Exploração - Dinamarca e Suécia

    Exploration Mission to Sweden and Denmark

    Inova-Ria promoted, within the scope of the Portuguese HUB ICT Project, developed in cooperation with Fraunhofer Portugal, an exploration visit to Sweden and Denmark between June 20 and June 23, focused mainly on contact with renowned institutions(...)

  • 23 Jun 2023

    Inova-Ria visited Associate Follow Inspiration

    As part of the strategy of accompanying our associated companies, Inova-Ria visited the associated company Follow Inspiration, specialized in the development of intelligent systems that can be used in different fields. Follow Inspiration has(...)

  • 23 Jun 2023
    Missão de Exploração_ Irlanda e UK

    Exploration visit to Ireland and the UK

    Inova-Ria promoted, within the scope of the Portuguese HUB ICT Project, developed in cooperation with Fraunhofer Portugal, an exploration visit to Ireland and the United Kingdom between June 6 and June 8, focused mainly on contact with renowned(...)

  • 23 Jun 2023
    Cartaz_Conferência Towards a Green & Digital Future

    1 week to go until the "Towards A Green & Digital Future" Conference

    Inova-Ria is organizing in partnership with ANJE - National Association of Young Entrepreneurs, COTEC Portugal and Fraunhofer Portugal, the Conference "Towards A Green & Digital Future".

    The Conference will take place on June 29th in the(...)

  • 23 Jun 2023
    TICE nas Escolas

    Interactive Quizz Lab

    Inova-Ria hosted yesterday, June 17, at the Inova no Lab, the "Interactive Quizz" Workshop.

    The activity took place at the Municipal Library of Albergaria-a-Velha and was dedicated to children and young people from 7 to 15 years old. It sought to(...)

  • 23 Jun 2023

    Inova-Ria promotes new Reverse Mission to the Portuguese technological ecosystem

    The Inverse Mission takes place between June 26 and 30 and is part of the Portuguese HUB ICT Project managed by Inova-Ria and Fraunhofer Portugal with funding from Compete 2020, Portugal 2020 and the European Union.

    The event is scheduled for June(...)

  • 23 Jun 2023

    Inova-Ria was Jury in the Professional Aptitude Tests 2022/2023 of the...

    Inova-Ria was a Jury in the Professional Aptitude Tests 2022/2023 of the Professional Technical Course of Electronics and Telecommunications of EPA- Professional School of Aveiro. The students' presentations took place at the facilities of the Baixo(...)

  • 23 Jun 2023

    Inova-Ria continues to support merit and knowledge and awards ESTGA - INOVA-RIA...

    Inova-Ria awarded for the 13th consecutive year, the ESTGA - INOVA-RIA Award, to the Best Finalist Student of the Degree in Information Technologies of ESTGA - School of Technology and Management of Águeda (University of Aveiro). 

    This year, the(...)

  • 22 Jun 2023
    Conference_Towards a Green & Digital Future

    Inova-Ria promotes Conference dedicated to the Green and Digital Transition

    Inova-Ria is organizing in partnership with ANJE - National Association of Young Entrepreneurs, COTEC Portugal and Fraunhofer Portugal, the Conference "Towards A Green & Digital Future".

    The Conference will take place on June 29th in the(...)

  • 06 Jun 2023
    Inova-Ria-Jornadas de Informática da Universidade do Minho

    Inova-Ria is present in the 20th edition of JOIN

    Inova-Ria is present in the 20th edition of JOIN - Jornadas de Informática da Universidade do Minho. The Genius program and the respective Dissertation projects are being presented to the students.

    The event, which runs from June 5 to 7, brings(...)

  • 31 May 2023

    EIT Manufacturing West is promoting a Community of Practice and a Catalogue for...

    EIT Manufacturing West is promoting a Community of Practice and a Catalogue of service providers under the EU-funded SURE5.0 project, targeting SMEs in the mobility, transport and automotive, aerospace and defense, and electronics sectors, to help(...)

  • 24 May 2023

    Graphenest Raises 1.8€ Million in Funding to Commercialize its Sustainable EMI...

    Graphenest, a leading technology provider of innovative electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding solutions for the electronics and automotive industries, announced today that it has raised 1.8€ million in funding to scale up its graphene(...)

  • 22 May 2023

    Junior Entrepreneurship Exhibition

    Last Saturday, May 20th, the Junior Entrepreneurship Show took place in the Municipality of Albergaria-a-Velha. In this event, the students that are part of our programming activities in schools had the opportunity to present their Scratch projects(...)

  • 19 May 2023
    Semana de Empreendedorismo

    Inova-Ria is participating in the Entrepreneurship Week of the Albergaria-a...

    Yesterday, May 18, we held two Tech@School sessions at the Branca School Grouping with three 9th grade classes at the Escola Básica da Branca, in order to raise awareness among young people about the importance of ICT professions.

    Today, May 19th(...)

  • 17 May 2023
    A Inova-Ria entrevistou alunos da Universidade de Aveiro

    Inova-Ria interviewed students from the University of Aveiro

    As part of the training and qualification strategy for companies and human resources and the Genius Program, Inova-Ria was present on May 16th in the 5.0-UA event, organized by the University of Aveiro and the Academic Association of the University(...)

  • 15 May 2023

    Inova-Ria promoted a Workshop dedicated to Digital Skills

    Inova-Ria promoted today, in cooperation with the Associate EPA - Aveiro Professional School, the Online Workshop "Digital Skills for the New Job" within the scope of the subject ENT - Education for the New Job, in its Curricular Enrichment.


  • 10 May 2023
    Human Resources

    Inova-Ria was present on May 9 at FCTUC- F3

    Inova-Ria was present in FCTUC- F3E - Engineering Employment and Entrepreneurship Fair, which took place yesterday in Coimbra. The event's main goals are to encourage the student community's contact with the business world, presenting career(...)

  • 10 May 2023

    Inova-Ria marks presence in the .Works event

    Inova-Ria was present, through the Genius program, in an event held by JeKnowledge, FCTUC's Junior Enterprise.

    The event, called .Works, took place at the Department of Computer Engineering of the University of Coimbra. We presented to the(...)

  • 09 May 2023

    The Inova Workshop at LAB "Pedrinhas" took place on May 6th

    On May 6, Inova-Ria promoted another educational workshop as part of its strategy of interaction with entities and territories. The initiative, which seeks to generate interaction between young people and technology, had 8 applications from young(...)

  • 01 May 2023
    Jantar de Associados

    The April Associate Dinner

    The last Inova-Ria's Associates Dinner took place on April 27th, at Casa de São Sebastião in Aveiro.

    This session was dedicated to the Talk "Business Challenges & Opportunities" with Renault Cacia and the presentation of the new Associate Evox(...)

  • 01 May 2023

    Inova-Ria promoted mentoring sessions for students from the Albergaria-a-Velha...

    Under the partnership with the Municipality of Albergaria-a-Velha, Inova-Ria has promoted mentoring sessions with a group of students from Albergaria's high school through the Academia Empreende+. Inova-Ria was the mentor of the project "Bubbletech"(...)

  • Inova-Ria actively participates with its associates in the promotion of...

    Within the scope of the strong partnership with Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Águeda da Universidade de Aveiro - ESTGA-UA, Inova-Ria's HR Department was present today at the institution starting at 4pm, with the purpose of disclosing to(...)

  • Inova-Ria's next Associates Dinner

    The next Member Dinner will take place on February 23rd. The topic of the event will be "Test Bed - Opportunities and Ways to Collaborate".

  • Inova-Ria promotes workshop "Let's learn more from Doc!"

    The goal is to encourage young people between the ages of 7 and 15 to come into close contact with technology and realize the potential of ICT.

  • Inova-Ria participated in the 1st Talk of the event .Works 2023

    In this session was presented the GENIUS Program and "How to Build a CV. Your Window of Opportunities"

  • The "Digital Communities Summit" Conference takes place in 15 days

    Will be debated essential topics to the Management of Communities and Territories more intelligent, since Community Governance, Education, Creativity and Technology, Digital Rights and Mobility of People and Bits.

    The Conference "Digital(...)

  • Inova-Ria in the Microelectronics Agenda

    Inova-Ria is one of the members of the consortium, leading the WP of State of the Art, Communication and Dissemination of Results. With its goals to be met, it is in a phase of contracting and completion of technical annexes fundamental to meeting the objectives. 

  • Programa Genius Inova-Ria

    Present Technologies welcomes three new grantees from Inova-Ria's Genius Program

    These students, finalists of ISEC's degree in Computer Engineering, are doing their end-of-course project in a business environment at the Associated Company - Present Technologies

  • FI Group Portugal, an Inova-Ria associated company, is organizing the webcast...

    The webcast take place on March 30, at 11am. 

  • Save the Date | Conference "Digital Communities Summit"

    It will take place on May 3, 2023, in Águeda, the Great Conference- "Digital Communities Meeting", which counts with a panel of national and international speakers. 

    Topics such as "Governance of Communities", "Education, Creativity and Technology(...)

  • The International Mission to the Ecosystem of technological innovation in the...

    The International Mission to the Ecosystem of technological innovation in the Aveiro region, promoted by Inova-Ria, took place from the 2nd to the 4th of May. The mission allowed to know relevant entities, their initiatives, solutions and real cases(...)

  • Inova-Ria participates in the XVIII JOIN - Informatics Conference at the...

    Aiming to attract future qualified human resources capable of responding to the evolution and innovation needs of the Inova-Ria ecosystem, we were present yesterday at the Department of Informatics of the University of Minho, in Braga, at the XVIII(...)

  • Missão de Prospeção ao País Basco

    The Fact-Finding Mission to the Basque Country, promoted by Inova-Ria and...

    Under the scope of the Portuguese HUB ICT Project, a fact-finding mission to the Basque Country is taking place until 02/02. The promoters of the project are Inova-Ria and Fraunhofer, with the participation of CCJ - Computer Graphics Centre and the(...)

  • Programa Genius Inova-Ria

    Inova-Ria integrates new student through the Genius Program

    In the scope of this project, it is intended that the recent graduate consolidates her knowledge and skills from an Extracurricular Professional Internship.

  • Inova-Ria participated in the session "School Conversations: SDG's for a Young...

    Among the various actions that Inova-Ria promotes in schools to disseminate ICT, we promoted in this particular one the 17 SDG's and their application in a technological context

  • Inova-Ria, organized a UI/UX Workshop for the students of DeCa

    Inova-Ria, under the scope of the GENIUS Program activities and the Universities relationship, promoted yesterday, May 12th, a UI/UX Workshop, which was attended by students from NEMTC's DeCa, (Núcleo de Estudantes de Multimédia Tecnologias da(...)

  • Associados da Inova-Ria estão prestes a acolher alunos da EPA

    Inova-Ria associates are about to welcome EPA students

    Under the Training-Qualification 2022-2025 program, Inova-Ria signed a protocol with the Aveiro Professional School, which aims to participate, effectively and in a real context, in the training of trainees coming from this school, namely in the(...)

  • Inova-Ria is one of the founding members of the ISCA Corporate Network

    Inova-Ria is one of the founding partners of the ISCA Corporate Network which was officially launched today at the Auditório Joaquim José da Cunha do @Instituto Superior de Contabilidade of Administração da Universidade de Aveiro - ISCA-UA.


  • Inova-Ria cooperates with the integration of EPA juniors in Associated Companies

    Yesterday, March 9th, the ceremony of making official the Consortium of companies that welcomed 15 juniors from the 1st year of this course in the business sector was held at the premises of Wavecom, a company that supports the development of(...)

  • Inova-Ria was present at the Onboarding of students at PicAdvanced Associate

    The program's main objective is to boost the transfer of knowledge from universities to the business fabric and to provide the integration of students in the business market.

  • Workshop INOVA NO LAB "Pebbles"

    Under the strategy of interaction with entities and territories, Inova-Ria promotes the new workshop INOVA NO LAB "Pebbles".

    The activity takes place on May 6, starting at 14h30 in the Municipal Library of the Municipality of Albergaria-a-Velha.


  • Wavecom - Associado Inova-Ria

    Our Associate Wavecom was highlighted in Diário de Aveiro

    Has a history of over two decades and is an Engineering company, with a strong Integration and Development component, which supports a portfolio of solutions in the areas of: Wireles Networks and Unified Communications.

  • Inova-Ria promoted through the Genius Program the visit of a group of 23...

    This initiative fits one of the event's purposes, which aims to provide the students a first contact with the business environment through the visit to several companies. 

  • Inova-Ria's General Assembly and Associates Dinner took place last Friday

    The Activities and Accounts Report 2022 and the Activities and Budget Plan 2023 were presented and approved.

  • Chat GPT

    Inova-Ria, as a partner, was present in the closing session of the AINanoTEC...

    Inova-Ria was present, on April 12th, in the event "AI and Chat GPT: The New Revolution? This initiative took place in the UPTEC Auditorium in Porto and took place under the AINanoTEC project, of which Inova-Ria is a partner along with Fraunhofer(...)

  • Conciliar tecnologia com os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável

    Inova-Ria challenges EPA students to reconcile technology with the Sustainable...

    Continuing the partnership between Inova-Ria and AEVA / EPA - Aveiro Professional School, we challenged today, the students of Education, to analyze informally the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and how technology and innovation can play an(...)

  • Projeto DigiAdvance

    Inova-Ria was present at the DigiAdvance Project Kick Off Meeting that took...

    This project, integrated in the scope of the Digital Europe Program, is led by Dublin University (DCU), and besides Inova-Ria, counts with the partners: University of Aveiro, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Barcelona Digital Talent, Drogheda Enterprise Hub / The Mill Enterprise Center. 

  • Programa Genius Inova-Ria - DeCA

    Inova-Ria presented the Genius Program at DeCA - UA

    Within the scope of the protocol with Altice Labs, Inova-Ria presented the Genius Program to undergraduate and master students of New Communication Technologies at DeCA - Department of Communication and Arts of the University of Aveiro.

    In this(...)

  • Our associate StrongStep is promoting the webinar ISO 27001: News and Updates

    The webinar takes place on April 13 between 3pm and 4pm, via zoom.

  • The next Associates Dinner will take place on April 27th

    The Associates Dinners are an initiative framed within Inova-Ria's Ecosystem dynamization strategy and aim to encourage constant networking among the Associates network and promote the debate of relevant issues to business activity.

    The next(...)

  • A Inova-Ria esteve hoje presente na reunião anual da AICEP

    Inova-Ria was today at AICEP's annual meeting

    Invited by AICEP, Inova-Ria participated today on AICEP's Delegates annual meeting with the purpose of planning the next actions regarding internationalization projects. 

    The initiative took place today at Centro Cultural de Belém, in Lisbon(...)

  • Inova-Ria signs a protocol with Secpho

    The protocol aims to stimulate, reinforce and increase the growth of the potential of Portugal and Spain by increasing the competitiveness of the companies associated to both entities, through the promotion of joint collaboration activities in(...)

  • Wavecom

    Our associate @Wavecom, in partnership with @CTT, developed a store concept...

    A partnership present in CTT's network of stores in Portugal mainland and islands, which covers 170 stores of the group and has already more than 25 thousand registered clients. 

  • Inova-Ria boosted Onboardings and mentoring of Genius students this week

    On April 3 and 4, Inova-Ria promoted the Onboarding session of the students Gonçalo Sousa, João Neto and Marcos Coelho and held today, April 6, the evaluation meeting of the scholarship holder Diogo Santos.

    The student Gonçalo Sousa, recently(...)

  • Inova-Ria participates in FEUP Engineering

    Inova-Ria participates in FEUP Engineering, invited by the Associate Altice Labs, Main Sponsor - Gold Park, in this event.

    FEUP Engineering is a major technological event that aims to bring students closer to the business world during the next 17(...)



    COTEC Portugal held, on the 28th and 29th of June, the COTEC INNOVATION SUMMIT, in Aveiro.

    Inova-Ria, as a partner of this event, was part of the 1st panel today with "Knowledge, companies and innovation networks" - the role of associations(...)

  • Programa Genius Inova-Ria

    Inova-Ria was present in the Student welcoming session under the Genius...

    In the scope of Genius' integration program, Inova-Ria was present in the first day of Lucas Baptista's reception in the Associated Altice Labs

  • Inova-Ria's February Associates Dinner took place yesterday, February 23rd.

    The theme presented and discussed was "TestBeds - Opportunities and Ways to Collaborate" and the Associate company that led this presentation was Winning.

  • IA e Chat GPT

    Inova-Ria, Fraunhofer Portugal and INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology...

    Trends and advances in Artificial Intelligence and GPT Chat will be debated, in this which will be the closing session of the AINanoTEC project.

  • Inova-Ria promoted the Easter Ateliers "Letter to the leaders of the world" and...

    The Easter Ateliers "Letter to the leaders of the world" and "coded games" organized by Inova-Ria in partnership with the Municipality of Albergaria-a-Velha under the INOVA NO LAB initiative took place on March 11.

    The action, which took place in(...)